
Cheese cultures from a precious strain collection

Liebefeld Kulturen AG has the exclusive right to replicate and distribute Swiss cheese cultures for commercial use. Its activities support the preservation and promotion of Swiss research and development into cheese cultures, the maintenance of the strain collection as well as sales for commercial use through proximity to the industry.

Strong partnership assures the highest quality

The public private partnership (PPP) represents the strong partnership between the federal government (Agroscope) and the dairy industry (Liebefeld Kulturen AG). It constitutes an optimal basis for the replication of Swiss cheese cultures of the very highest quality.

Pioneering know-how gained through many years of research

The Liebefeld cultures on offer are the result of 100 years of research activity by the former Federal Dairy Research Station. Today the range encompasses approximately 40 cultures.

News: Liebefeld Kulturen AG begins business operations

Precious cultures from Liebefeld Kulturen AG make Swiss cheese truly distinctive.

Cheese, milk and milk products

Milk and dairy products are valuable foods in the human diet because of their composition.

The Liebefeld Kulturen AG quality seal

The seal of quality designates dairy products produced using our high-quality cultures. In this way, consumers are assured of the exacting demands we place on quality, care and safety during production.